Showing posts with label Oracle SQL Developer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle SQL Developer. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

SQL Developer 4.1 : ODM Repository upgrade

Earlier today (4th May) SQL Developer 4.1 was released :-)

For those of you who use the Oracle Data Miner tool (that is part of SQL Developer) you will need to upgrade your repository. The following steps will walk you through the process.

1. Download SQL Developer  (you do need to have Java 8 installed) This download does not come with the JRE built into it. This usually comes a few days after the release.

2. Unzip the downloaded file and copy the extracted directory to where you like to keep your applications etc.

3. Start up SQL Developer by running the sqldeveloper.exe file. This will located in the extracted folder  \sqldeveloper-\sqldeveloper

4. If you have been a previous install of SQL Developer you will be asked if you want to migrate your current settings. Click on the Yes button and all your connections and settings will be migrated.

Blog odm4 1 1

5. To upgrade your Oracle Data Miner (ODMr) repository, you will need to open one of your ODMr connections. When you do this ODMr will check to see if the repository in your database needs to be updated. If it does you will get the following window.


6. Enter the password for SYS


6. When you get the following window you can click on the Start button to begin the Oracle Data Miner repository upgrade.



7. After a couple of minutes (and depending on the number of ODM Workflows and ODM schemas to have) you will get the following window.


Congratulations. You have now upgraded your Oracle Data Miner repository.

If you do encounter any errors during the upgrade of the repository then you should get onto the OTN Forum for Oracle Data Miner and report the errors. The Oracle Data Miner team monitor this forum and will get back to you quickly with a response.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Oracle Data Miner (SQL Dev) 4.1 EA1

A few days ago the first Early Adaptor release of SQL Developer 4.1 (EA1) was made available. You can go ahead and download it from here and make sure to check out the blog post by Jeff Smith on some install and setup that is required around the latest version of Java.

I've been using SQL Developer since its very first release, so getting my hands on a new release is very exciting. There are lots and lots of new features in the tool. Again check out the blog posts by Jeff Smith and Kris Rice on some of these new features. I really like the new DBA screens :-) But this screen really needs some scroll bars and not everything fits on my screen. So Jeff and Kris if you are reading this, can you add some scroll bars.

Sqldev4 1

In addition they have been working on "new" SQL*Plus that is called SDSQL. This is a new command line tool that is supposed to be bigger and better than SQL*Plus but still gives us a command line tool to run our scripts and demos. To download and install the tool go to here.

As you know I'm a bit of an Oracle Data Miner/Mining fan. There are now new in-database features, but there are a lot of new features in the GUI tool (aka ODMr) along with some improvements and bug fixes. Here is a list of the ODMr 4.1 EA1 new and updated features (taken from the ODMr Help in SQL Dev)

JSON Data Support for Oracle Database and above

In response to the growing popularity of JSON data and its use in Big Data configurations, Data Miner now provides an easy to use JSON Query node. The JSON Query node allows you to select and aggregate JSON data without entering any SQL commands. The JSON Query node opens up using all of the existing Data Miner features with JSON data. The enhancements include:

Data Source Node

Automatically identifies columns containing JSON data by identifying those with the IS_JSON constraint.

Generates JSON schema for any selected column that contain JSON data.

Imports a JSON schema for a given column.

JSON schema viewer.

Create Table Node

Ability to select a column to be typed as JSON.

Generates JSON schema in the same manner as the Data Source node.

JSON Data Type

Columns can be specifically typed as JSON data.

JSON Query Node

Ability to utilize any of the selection and aggregation features without having to enter SQL commands.

Ability to select data from a graphical layout of the JSON schema, making data selection as easy as it is with scalar relational data columns.

Ability to partially select JSON data as standard relational scalar data while leaving other parts of the same JSON document as JSON data.

Ability to aggregate JSON data in combination with relational data. Includes the Sub-Group By option, used to generate nested data that can be passed into mining model build nodes.

General Improvements

Improved database session management resulting in less database sessions being generated and a more responsive user interface.

Filter Columns Node

Combined primary Editor and associated advanced panel to improve usability.

Explore Data Node

Allows multiple row selection to provide group chart display.

Classification Build Node

Automatically filters out rows where the Target column contains NULLs or all Spaces. Also, issues a warning to user but continues with Model build.


Enhanced workflows to ensure that Loading, Reloading, Stopping, Saving operations no longer block the UI.

Online Help

Revised the Online Help to adhere to topic-based framework.

Selected Bug Fixes (does not include 4.0 patch release fixes)

GLM Model Algorithm Settings: Added GLM feature identification sampling option (Oracle Database 12.1 and above).

Filter Rows Node: Custom Expression Editor not showing all possible available columns.

WebEx Display Issues: Fixed problems affecting the display of the Data Miner UI through WebEx conferencing.

Denny Wong of the ODM team in Oracle has made available a tutorial on importing JSON data for use with ODMr. Check it out here.

I've been told there will be a couple of tutorials on the new features coming out (from the ODMr team) over the next few weeks. So keep an eye out of these.

Check out my blog post on what you need to do to get started/using ODMr 4.1 EA1.

Friday, November 7, 2014

ODMr : Graph Node: Zooming in on Graphs

When Oracle Data Miner (ODMr) 4.0 (which is part of SQL Developer) came out back in late 2013 there was a number of new features added to the tool. One of these was a Graph node that allows us to create various graphs and charts that include Line, Scatter, Bar, Histogram and Box plot.

I've been using this node recently to produce graphs and particularly scatter plots. I've been using the scatter plots to graph the Actual values in a data set against the Predicted values that was generated by ODMr. In this scenario I had a separate data set for training my ODM data mining models and another testing data set for, well testing how well the model performed against an unseen data set.

In general the graphs produced by the Graph node look good and gives you the information that you need. But what I found was that as you increased the size of the data set, the scatter plot can look a messy. This was in part due to the size of the square used to represent a data point. As the volume of data increased then your scatter plot could just look like a coloured in area of blue squares. This is illustrated in the following image.

Graph node 1

What I discovered today is that you can zoom in on this graph to explore different regions and data point on it. This do this you need to select an data that is within the x-axis and y-axis area. When you do this you will see a box form on your graph that selects the area that you indicate by moving your mouse. After you have finished selecting the area, the Graph Node will zooms into this part of the graph and shows the data points. For example if I select the area from about 1000 on the x-axis and 1000 on the y-axis, I will get the following.

Graph node 2

Again if I select a similar are area of 350 on the x-axis and 400 on the y-axis I get the following zoomed area.

Graph node 3

You can keep zooming in on various areas.

At some point you will have finished zooming in and you will want to return to the original graph. To zoom back outward all you need to do in the graph is to click on it. When you do this you will go back to the previous step or image of the graph. You can keep doing this until you get back to the original graph. Alternatively you can zoom in and out on various parts of the graph.

Hopefully you will find this feature useful.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Issues with using latest release of ODM

The title of this blog post makes it sound more dramatic than it actually is.

The reason for this blog post is down to me receiving a recent comment on the blog, plus having received numerous emails and a recent OTN Discussion Forum topic for Oracle Data Mining.

The main thing that they have in common is that if I use the latest version of Oracle Data Mining (ODM) it tells me that I need to upgrade my ODM Repository. What impact will this have?

The ODM Repository stores lots of information about the workflows you create using the (free) Oracle Data Mining tool that comes as part of SQL Developer. Yes you do have to pay for the OAA option, so is it really free? Well some part are like the explore node and the graph node.

If you download and want to use the latest version of the ODM tool or you want to try it out before rolling it out to others then you will need to upgrade your ODM repository.

And this the problem that people are facing.

If you upgrade then the ODM Repository it is updated to work with the latest version of the ODM tool. But what happens to everyone else who is using the previous release of the tool? The answer to that is they can no longer use ODM against their database.

Why is that? Well the version of the tool is tied to a version of the Repository. If you upgrade to the newer tool and repository then your older versions of the ODM tool no longer work.

The result of all of this is that you cannot have a mixture of versions of the ODM tool (SQL Developer) being used in your team/company.

There is a very simple solution to all of this. Everyone uses the same version of the ODM tool (i.e. the same version of SQL Developer). For example your team might be using SQL Dev 4 that was released last December. But in early March there was a new patch release 4.1. In order to use this new version of the tool all of your team needs to start using it at the same time. The first person to use it will be prompted to migrate the ODM repository. This is automatically done once you enter the password for SYS.

But in some teams this is not possible to do, you want to try out the tool to see that it works correctly before getting others to use it. The way around this is to have a separate database and use it for your testing. You can easily copy across your workflows and ODM objects to the test database.

This might not be possible for everyone, so what can you do. Create a Virtual Machine and try it out on your own desktop is one way.

The answer to this problem is not ideal, but hopefully you have a better idea of why things are happening this way and what you can or cannot do about it.

Like I said at the topic of this blog post that the title is a bit more dramatic than is really the case :-)

My next blog post will be on another question I've been asked a few times and this is 'When I go to use the ODM tool it tells me that the Oracle Text feature of Oracle needs to be enabled'

Friday, December 13, 2013

Upgrading to SQL Dev 4 & Oracle Data Miner 4

The production release of SQL Developer 4 and Oracle Data Miner 4 has just been released. If you are like me you will want to upgrade and start using this latest release. For me I particularly want to be using the new Oracle Data Miner 4.  Over the past (almost) 6 months I’ve been working with the Early Adopter versions (EAs) with some degree of frustration. So hopefully it will be all working now.

To download the production version of SQL Developer 4 that include Oracle Data Miner go to here.

The following are the steps that I followed to get SQL Developer installed and to migrate my Oracle Data Miner Repository.  I’m running a 12.1c Oracle Database.

1. Download and unzip the SQL Developer software. Go to the \sqldeveloper folder to locate the sqldeveloper.exe file. I created a shortcut on my desktop for this. When ready then run this file.

2. As SQL Developer is opening you will get the typical splash screen and at some point you will be asked about migrating your preferences from your previous release. In my case I’m migrating from EA1. I select Yes.


After a few more seconds SQL Developer should open with all your previous settings.


3. Now to update and migrate your existing Oracle Data Mining Repository to the new versions. To start this process, to to the Tool Menu and then select Data Miner –> Make Visible


This will open the Oracle Data Miner Connections tab and the Workflow Jobs tab. If you don’t make do this step then your Oracle Data Miner workflows may not run.

4. Double click on one of your schemas in the Data Miner Connection tab.


5. Before you upgrade your repository it is advisable to take a full backup of your database, and to export your workflows. Just in case anything might happen during the Repository upgrade. I cannot stress this enough, because during a previous upgrade my repository got wiped and I had to rely on my backups.

5. The version of the repository will be check and if it needs updating then you will get the following window. I’m migrating from EA1 so you might get a slightly different messages. It all depends on what version you were previously using. Select Yes.


6. Next you will need to give the SYS password (or talk nicely to your DBA). Then you will get a warning about disconnecting your session from the repository. Click OK.


Then you can click on the Start Button


Everything should finish after a few minutes.


7. Open one of your workflows and run it to make sure all is OK.


Based on my initial few hours of working with the production version of SQL Developer 4 and Oracle Data Miner 4 is that it seems to run a lot quicker than the Early Adopter versions.

Watch out for some blog posts over the coming weeks about some of the new features that are available in SQL Developer 4.  Like my previous blog posts, the new posts will be how-to type of articles.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Upgrading your ODM Repository for SQL Dev 4

For those users of Oracle Data Miner (ODM) that is part of SQL Developer, now that Oracle have finally released SQL Developer 4, you might want to upgrade to this new release. There are a lot of new features. Some of these are available for 11.2g and 12.1c databases and some are only available for 12.1c users.

I will have another blog post soon on the new Oracle Data Miner (ODM) features that are available in SQL Developer 4.

The instructions given below are what I did to upgrade so that I could use the new ODM tool/SQL Developer 4.

Step 1 – Install SQL Developer 4 : I have another blog post on what this involves, so check it out and complete the steps before you continue with the result of the steps below.

Step 2 – Make ODM Visible : After SQL Developer 4 opens you should see all your migrated connections. To make ODM visible you need to click on the Tools menu, select Oracle Data Miner and then Make Visible. This will open a number of tabs on the left hand side of SQL Developer. These will include Data Miner (connections), Workflow Structure and Workflow Jobs.


Step 3 – Open an ODM Connection : Take one your ODM connections and double click on it. SQL Developer 4 / ODM will check what versions of the ODM repository exists in your database. If this is your first time connecting from SQL Developer 4, you will be told that you will need to upgrade your repository


Step 4 – Upgrade the ODM Repository : Select the Yes button on the Upgrade Repository window. You will then be asked for the SYS password. If you do not have access to this you can talk nicely to your DBA and ask them to enter the password for you.


You may or may not get a warning message like the following. Just click OK to continue.


Step 5 – Start the Repository Upgrade : When the Migrate Data Miner Repository window opens, just click the Start button. 


This might be a good time to go off an make yourself a coffee. The upgrade process tool approx. 8 minutes on my laptop. If you were running this on a server located somewhere then the script will take a little bit longer to run!

The progress bar will let you know how things are progressing. It also gives some messages to let you known at what stage of the process it is at.


Step 6 – All finished : When the Repository Migration has finished you will get a window with a message saying Task Successfully Complete. Click on the Close button to close this window.


Step 7 – Open an Existing Workflow : Just to make sure that everything has worked with the install and ODM Repository migration, open one of your existing workflows. If it opens then everything should be OK.

When you open the workflow, the new Workflow Editor tab opens on the right hand side of SQL Developer. This seems to have replaced the Component Palette we had with the pervious version of the ODM tool. Expand the headings under the Workflow Editor to see the different nodes that are available. Most of these are the same but we have 2 new nodes under the Data section. These are Graph and SQL Query. I’ll have more on these in another post or posts.
