Wednesday, December 30, 2015

ORE Video : Demo Code part 1

In a previous blog post I posted a video on using R with the Oracle Database and using Oracle R Enterprise. This is a part 1 extension of that blog post that gives the first set of demo code.

This first set of demonstration code is for using RJDBC to connect to the Oracle Database. Using RJDBC relies on using the JDBC jar file for Oracle. It is easily found in various installations of Oracle products and will be called something like ojdbc.jar. I like to take a copy of this file and place it in the root/home directory.

> library(RJDBC)
> # Create connection driver and open 
> connectionjdbcDriver <- JDBC(driverClass="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", classPath="c:/ojdbc6.jar")
> jdbcConnection <- dbConnect(jdbcDriver, "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl", "dmuser", "dmuser")
> #list the tables in the schema
> #dbListTables(jdbcConnection)
> #get the DB connections details - it get LOTS of info - Do not run unless it is really needed
> dbGetInfo(jdbcConnection)
> # Query on the Oracle instance name.
> #instanceName <- dbGetQuery(jdbcConnection, "SELECT instance_name FROM v$instance")
1  INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE2            
2              OUTPUT_1_2
> #print(instanceName)tableNames <- dbGetQuery(jdbcConnection, "SELECT table_name from user_tables where  
                                                 table_name not like 'DM$%' and table_name not like 'ODMR$%'")
> print(tableNames)
> viewNames <- dbGetQuery(jdbcConnection, "SELECT view_name from user_views")print(viewNames)

> v <- dbReadTable(jdbcConnection, "MINING_DATA_BUILD_V")
> names(v)
[1] "CUST_ID"                 "CUST_GENDER"             "AGE"                     
[7] "EDUCATION"               "OCCUPATION"              "HOUSEHOLD_SIZE"         
[10] "YRS_RESIDENCE"           "AFFINITY_CARD"           "BULK_PACK_DISKETTES"    
[16] "PRINTER_SUPPLIES"        "Y_BOX_GAMES"             "OS_DOC_SET_KANJI" 
> dim(v)
[1] 1500   18
> summary(v)
Min.   :101501   Length:1500        Min.   :17.00   Length:1500         Length:1500        
1st Qu.:101876   Class :character   1st Qu.:28.00   Class :character    Class :character   
Median :102251   Mode  :character   Median :37.00   Mode  :character    Mode  :character   
Mean   :102251                      Mean   :38.89                                          
3rd Qu.:102625                      3rd Qu.:47.00                                          
Max.   :103000                      Max.   :90.00                                          
Length:1500        Length:1500        Length:1500        Length:1500        Min.   : 0.000   
Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.: 3.000   
Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median : 4.000                                                                               
                                                                            Mean   : 4.089                                                                               
                                                                            3rd Qu.: 5.000                                                                               
                                                                            Max.   :14.000 
> hist(v$RESIDENCE)
> hist(v$AGE)
> dbDisconnect(jdbcConnection)

Make sure to check out the other demonstration scripts that are shown in the video.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Oracle R Enterprise 1.5 (new release)

The Oracle Santa had a busy time just before Christmas with the release of several new version of products. One of these was Oracle R Enterprise version 1.5.

Oracle R Enterprise (1.5) is part of the Oracle Advanced Analytics option for the enterprise edition of the Oracle Database.

As with every new release of a product there are a range of bug fixes. But with ORE 1.5 there are also some important new features. These important new features include:

  • New Random Forest specific for ORE.
  • New ORE Data Store functions and privileges.
  • Partitioning on multiple columns for ore.groupApply.
  • Multiple improvements to ore.summary.
  • Now performs parallel in-database execution for functions prcomp and svd.
  • BLOB and CLOB data types are now supported in some of the ORE functions.

Check out the ORE 1.5 Release Notes for more details on the new features.

ORE 1.5 is only certified (for now) on R 3.2.x in both the open source version and the Oracle R Distribution version 3.2.

Check out the ORE 1.5 Documentation.

You can download ORE 1.5 Server side and Client side software here.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Running R in the Oracle Database video

Earlier this year I was asked by the Business Analysics & Big Data SIG (of the UKOUG) to give a presentation on Oracle R Enterprise. Unfortunately I had already committed to giving the same presentation at the OUG Norway conference on the same day.

But then they asked me if I could record a video of the presentation and they would show it at the SIG. The following video is what I recorded.

At the UKOUG annual (2015) conferences I was supposed to give a 2 hour presentation during their Super Sunday event. Unfortunately due to a storm passing over Ireland on the Saturday all flights going to the UK were cancelled. This meant that I would miss my 2 hour presentation.

Instead of trying to find an alternative speaker for my presentation slot at such sort notice, the committee suggested that they would show the video.

Based on the feedback and the people who thanked me in person during the rest of the conference, I've decided to make it available to everyone. Hopefully you will find it useful.

The following are the links to the demo code that is shown or referred to in the video.

People have been asking me if the demo scripts I used in video are available. You will probably find some of these on various blog posts. So to make it easier for everyone I will post the demo scripts in one or more blog posts over the coming weeks. When these are available I will update this blog post with the links.

I have a few new presentations on Oracle R Enterprise in 2016 so watch out for these at an Oracle User Group conference.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

KScope 2016 Acceptances

I've never been to KScope. Yes never.

I've always wanted to. Each year you hear of all of these stories about how much people really enjoy KScope and how much they learn.

So back in October I decided to submit 5 presentations to KScope. 4 of these presentations are solo presentations and 1 joint presentation.

This week I have received the happy news that 2 of my solo presentations have been accepted, plus my joint presentation with Kim Berg Hansen.

So at the end of June 2016 I will be making my way to Chicago for a week of Oracle geekie fun at KScope.

My presentations will be:

  • Is Oracle SQL the best language for Statistic?
  • Running R in your Oracle Database using Oracle R Enterprise

and my join presentations is called

Forecasting in Oracle using the Power of SQL (this will talk about ROracle, Forecasting in R, Using Oracle R Enterprise and SQL)

I was really hoping that one of my rejected presentations would have been accepted. I really enjoy this presentation and I get to share stories about some of my predictive analytics projects. Ah well, maybe in 2017.

The last time I was in Chicago was over 15 years ago when I sent 5 days in Cellular One (The brand was sold to Trilogy Partners by AT&T in 2008 shortly after AT&T had completed its acquisition of Dobson Communications). I was there to kick off a project to build them a data warehouse and to build their first customer churn predictive model. I stayed in a hotel across the road from their office which was famous because a certain person had stayed in it why one the run. Unfortunately I didn't get time to visit downtown Chicago.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

OUG Ireland 2015 : Call for Papers

We finally have confirmed dates for the OUG Ireland Annual Conference. It will be on the 3rd & 4th March, 2016.

In 2016 we are expanding the conference and marking it a 2 day conference. Over the past few years some of the feedback from delegates has been, can we have more sessions and add a second day. So we have listened and will now have a 2 day conference on 3rd & 4th March, 2016.

We also have a new venue too. The 2016 conference will be held in the Gresham Hotel, on O'Connell Street in central Dublin. It is so close to lots of the tourist attractions, lots of hotels and lots of entertainment.

The call for papers is now open and we are looking for presentations for the typical Business Analytics/Big Data, Hardcore DBA, Development, Cloud and Applications.

Do you have a story to share? Have you discovered something recently? Have you used a new product? Is there anything about some part of an Oracle Product you would like to share?

If so then click on the image below to go to the Submissions Website and get submitting. Closing date for submissions is 9am on 4th January.


Hopefully I'll see you in Dublin in March.