Wednesday, May 27, 2015

R (ROracle) and Oracle DATE formats

 When you comes to working with R to access and process your data there are a number of little features and behaviours you need to look out for.

One of these is the DATE datatype.

The main issue that you have to look for is the TIMEZONE conversion that happens then you extract the data from the database into your R environment.

There is a datatype conversions from the Oracle DATE into the POSIXct format. The POSIXct datatype also includes the timezone. But the Oracle DATE datatype does not have a Timezone part of it.

When you look into this a bit more you will see that the main issue is what Timezone your R session has. By default your R session will inherit the OS session timezone. For me here in Ireland we have the time timezone as the UK. You would time that the timezone would therefore be GMT. But this is not the case. What we have for timezone is BST (or British Standard Time) and this takes into account the day light savings time. So on the 26th May, BST is one hour ahead of GMT.

OK. Let's have a look at a sample scenario.

The Problem

As mentioned above, when I select date of type DATE from Oracle into R, using ROracle, I end up getting a different date value than what was in the database. Similarly when I process and store the data.

The following outlines the data setup and some of the R code that was used to generate the issue/problem.

Data Set-up
Create a table that contains a DATE field and insert some records.

       SURNAME VARCHAR2(20),
       DOB DATE,

insert into staff values (123456789, 'Brendan', 'Tierney', to_date('01/06/1975', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DEPT_1');
insert into staff values (234567890, 'Sean', 'Reilly', to_date('21/10/1980', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DEPT_2');
insert into staff values (345678901, 'John', 'Smith', to_date('12/03/1973', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DEPT_3');
insert into staff values (456789012, 'Barry', 'Connolly', to_date('25/01/1970', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'DEPT_4');

You can query this data in SQL without any problems. As you can see there is no timezone element to these dates.

Selecting the data
I now establish my connection to my schema in my 12c database using ROracle. I won't bore you with the details here of how to do it but check out point 3 on this post for some details.

When I select the data I get the following.

> res<-dbsendquery br="" con="" from="" select="" staff="">> data <- br="" fetch="" res="">> data$DOB
[1] "1975-06-01 01:00:00 BST" "1980-10-21 01:00:00 BST" "1973-03-12 00:00:00 BST"
[4] "1970-01-25 01:00:00 BST"

As you can see two things have happened to my date data when it has been extracted from Oracle. Firstly it has assigned a timezone to the data, even though there was no timezone part of the original data. Secondly it has performed some sort of timezone conversion to from GMT to BST. The difference between GMT and BTS is the day light savings time. Hence the 01:00:00 being added to the time element that was extract. This time should have been 00:00:00. You can see we have a mixture of times!

So there appears to be some difference between the R date or timezone to what is being used in Oracle.

To add to this problem I was playing around with some dates and different records. I kept on getting this scenario but I also got the following, where we have a mixture of GMT and BST times and timezones. I'm not sure why we would get this mixture.

> data$DOB
[1] "1995-01-19 00:00:00 GMT" "1965-06-20 01:00:00 BST" "1973-10-20 01:00:00 BST"
[4] "2000-12-28 00:00:00 GMT"

This is all a bit confusing and annoying. So let us look at how you can now fix this.

The Solution
Fixing the problem : Setting Session variablesWhat you have to do to fix this and to ensure that there is consistency between that is in Oracle and what is read out and converted into R (POSIXct) format, you need to define two R session variables. These session variables are used to ensure the consistency in the date and time conversions.

These session variables are TZ for the R session timezone setting and Oracle ORA_SDTZ setting for specifying the timezone to be used for your Oracle connections.

The trick there is that these session variables need to be set before you create your ROracle connection. The following is the R code to set these session variables.

> Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")
> Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = "GMT")

So you really need to have some knowledge of what kind of Dates you are working with in the database and if a timezone if part of it or is important. Alternatively you could set the above variables to UDT.

Selecting the data (correctly this time)
Now when we select our data from our table in our schema we now get the following, after reconnecting or creating a new connection to your Oracle schema.

> data$DOB
[1] "1975-06-01 GMT" "1980-10-21 GMT" "1973-03-12 GMT" "1970-01-25 GMT"
Now you can see we do not have any time element to the dates and this is correct in this example. So all is good.

We can now update the data and do whatever processing we want with the data in our R script.

But what happens when we save the data back to our Oracle schema. In the following R code we will add 2 days to the DOB attribute and then create a new table in our schema to save the updated data.

> data$DOB
[1] "1975-06-01 GMT" "1980-10-21 GMT" "1973-03-12 GMT" "1970-01-25 GMT"

> data$DOB <- br="" data="" days="">> data$DOB
[1] "1975-06-03 GMT" "1980-10-23 GMT" "1973-03-14 GMT" "1970-01-27 GMT"

> dbWriteTable(con, "STAFF_2", data, overwrite = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
[1] TRUE

I've used the R package Libridate to do the date and time processing.

When we look at this newly created table in our Oracle schema we will see that we don't have DATA datatype for DOB, but instead it is created using a TIMESTAMP data type.

If you are working with TIMESTAMP etc type of data types (i.e. data types that have a timezone element that is part of it) then that is a slightly different problem. Perhaps one that I'll look at soonish.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Extracting Oracle data & Generating JSON data file using ROracle

In a previous blog post I showed you how to take a JSON data file and to load it into your Oracle Schema using R. To do this I used ROracle to connect to the database and jsonlite to do the JSON processing of the data.
Alternatives to using ROracle would be RODBC, RJDBC and DBI. So you could use one of these to connect to the database.
In this post I want to show you how to extract data from an Oracle table (or view) and to output it to a file in JSON format. Again I will be using the jsonlite R package to perform all the JSON formatting work for me.
1. Connect to the Database
This is the same connect setup that I used in the previous post.
# initialise the packages
> library(ROracle)
> library(jsonlite)
# Create the connection string
> drv <- dbdriver="" p="" racle="">
> host <- localhost="" p="">
> port <- 1521="" p="">
> service <- p="" pdb12c="">
> connect.string <- p="" paste="">
"(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=", host, ")(PORT=", port, "))",
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=", service, ")))", sep = "")
# establish the connection
> con <- dbconnect="" dbname="connect.string)" drv="" p="" password="dmuser" username="dmuser">

2. Read the data from the table/view
Read the data from the table into a R data frame.
> rs <- con="" dbsendquery="" from="" mining_data_build_v="" p="" select="">
> data <- fetch="" p="" rs="">
> dim(data)
[1] 1500 18
> head(data, 3)
1 101501 F 41 NeverM United States of America
2 101502 M 27 NeverM United States of America
3 101503 F 20 NeverM United States of America
1 J: 190,000 - 249,999 Masters Prof. 2 4 0
2 I: 170,000 - 189,999 Bach. Sales 2 3 0
3 H: 150,000 - 169,999 HS-grad Cleric. 2 2 0
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 0 1
3 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
2 1 1 0
3 1 1 0

We now have the data from the table in a data frame called data. We can now use this data frame to covert the data into JSON.
3. Convert into JSON format
To produced the JSON formatted output of the data in our table (or view) we can use the toJSON function that produces the outputted JSON data in an R String.
> jsonData <- data="" p="" tojson="">
> jsonData

4. Create the JSON file
We are now ready to output the formatted JSON data out to file. We can use the R function 'write' to write the JSON data out to a file.
> write(jsonData, file="c:/app/demo_json_data2.json")
Job Done!
5. Verify the JSON data was created correctly
To verify that JSON data file was created correctly, we can use the steps outlined in my previous post to read in the file. If all the correct then we should get no errors.
> jsonFile <- app="" c:="" demo_json_data2.json="" p="">
> jsonData <- fromjson="" jsonfile="" p="">
> str(jsonData)
> names(jsonData)
> nrow(jsonData)

You will notice that there is one difference between the code shown above and what I showed in my previous example/blog post. This time we don't have an extra wrapper class of Items.
Generating JSON data - Using SQL Developer
In my previous post I showed you one way of generating a JSON file based on the data in a table. You could do that using SQL Developer and SQLcl.
An alternative is to use the Table Export feature to export the data in JSON format.
To do this right click on the table (or view) and select Export from the drop down menu.
The Export Wizard will open. De-select the Export DDL tick box. In the export data section change the format drop-down to JSON. Then enter the location and file name for the JSON file. Then click the next buttons until you are finished.
Blog json

Friday, May 8, 2015

Loading JSON data into Oracle using ROracle and jsonlite

In this post I want to show you one way of taking a JSON file of data and loading it into your Oracle schema using ROracle. The JSON data will then be used to create a table in your schema. Yes you could use other methods to connect to the database and to create the table. But ROracle is by far the fastest method of connecting, selecting and processing data.

1. Necessary R Packages

You will need two R library. The first of these is the ROracle package. This gives us all the connection and data processing commands to work with the Oracle database. The second package is the jsonlite R package. This package allows us to open, read and process a file that has JSON data.

> install.package("ROracle")

> install.package("jsonlite")

After you have installed the packages you can now load them into your R environment so that you can use them in your current session.

> library(ROracle)

> library(jsonlite)

Depending on your version of R you may get some working messages about the libraries being built under a different version of R. Then again maybe you won't get these :-)

2. Open & Read the JSON file in R

Now you are ready to name and open the file that contains your JSON data. In my case the file is called 'demo_json_data.json'

> jsonFile <- "c:/app/demo_json_data.json"

> jsonData <- fromJSON(jsonFile)

We now have the JSON data loaded into R. We can now look at the attributes of each JSON record and the number of records that was in the JSON file.

> names(jsonData$items)

[1] "cust_id" "cust_gender" "age"

[4] "cust_marital_status" "country_name" "cust_income_level"

[7] "education" "occupation" "household_size"

[10] "yrs_residence" "affinity_card" "bulk_pack_diskettes"

[13] "flat_panel_monitor" "home_theater_package" "bookkeeping_application"

[16] "printer_supplies" "y_box_games" "os_doc_set_kanji"

> nrow(jsonData$items)

[1] 1500

As you can see the records are grouped under a higher label of 'items'. You might want to extract these records into a new data frame.

> data <- jsonData$items


Now we have our data ready in a data frame and we can use this data frame to create a table and insert the data.

3. Create the connection to the Oracle Schema

I have a previous post on connecting to an Oracle Schema using ROracle. That was connecting to an 11g Oracle Database.

JSON is a new feature in Oracle 12c and the connection details are a little bit different because we are now having to deal with connection to a pluggable database. The following illustrates connecting to a 12c database and assumes you have Oracle Client already installed and configured with your tnsnames.ora entry.

# Create the connection string

> host <- "localhost"

> port <- 1521

> service <- "pdb12c"

> connect.string <- paste(


"(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=", host, ")(PORT=", port, "))",

"(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=", service, ")))", sep = "")

> con2 <- dbConnect(drv, username = "dmuser", password = "dmuser",dbname=connect.string)


4. Create the table in your Oracle Schema

At this point we have our connection to our Oracle Schema setup and connected, we have read in the JSON file and we have the JSON data in a data frame. We are now ready to push the JSON data to a table in our schema.

> dbWriteTable(con, "JSON_DATA", overwrite=TRUE, value=data)

Job done :-)

The table JSON_DATA has been created and the data is stored in the table in typical table attributes and rows format.

One thing to watch our for with the above command is with the overwrite=TRUE parameter setting. This replaces a table if it already exists. So your old data will be gone. Be careful.

5. View and Query the data using SQL

When you now log into your schema in the 12c Database, you can now query the data in the JSON_DATA table. (Yes I know it is not in JSON format in this table).


How did I get/generate my JSON data?

I generated the JSON file using a table that I already had in one of my schemas. This table is part of the sample data set that is built on top of the Oracle sample schemas.

The image below shows the steps involved in generating the data in JSON format. I used SQL Developer and set the SQLFORMAT to be JSON. I then ran the query to select the data. You will need to run this as a script. Then copy the JSON data and paste it into a file.


The SQL FORMAT command sets the output format for a query back to the default query output format that we are well use to.

A nice little JSON viewer can be found at

Copy and paste your JSON data into this and you can view the structure of the data. Check it out.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Oracle Data Miner (ODM 4.1) New Features

With the release of SQL Developer 4.1 we also get a number of new features with Oracle Data Miner (ODMr). These include:

  • Data Source node can now include data sources that contain JSON data, generating JSON schema and has a JSON viewer
  • Create Table can now create data in JSON
  • JSON Query Node allows you to view, query and process JSON data, combine it with relational data, generate sub-group by, and nested columns to be part of input to algorithms
  • New PL/SQL APIs for managing Data Miner projects and workflows. This includes run, cancel, rename, delete, import and export of workflows using PL/SQL.
  • New ODMr Repository views that allows us to query and monitor our workflows.
  • Transformation Node now allows you different ways of handling NULLS.
  • Transformation Node now allows us to create Custom Bins, define bin labels and bin values
  • Overall Workflow and ODMr environment improvements to allow for greater efficiency in workflow behaviour and interactions with the database. So using ODMr should feel quicker and more responsive.

What out for the Gotchas: Although support for JSON has been added to ODMr, as outlined above, you are still a bit limited to what else you can do with your JSON data. Based on the documentation you can use JSON data in the Association and Classification build nodes.

I'm not sure about the other nodes and this will need a bit of investigation to see what nodes can and cannot use JSON data. I'm sure this will all be sorted out in the next release.

Keep an eye out for some blog posts over the coming weeks on how to explore and use these new features of Oracle Data Miner.

SQL Developer 4.1 : ODM Repository upgrade

Earlier today (4th May) SQL Developer 4.1 was released :-)

For those of you who use the Oracle Data Miner tool (that is part of SQL Developer) you will need to upgrade your repository. The following steps will walk you through the process.

1. Download SQL Developer  (you do need to have Java 8 installed) This download does not come with the JRE built into it. This usually comes a few days after the release.

2. Unzip the downloaded file and copy the extracted directory to where you like to keep your applications etc.

3. Start up SQL Developer by running the sqldeveloper.exe file. This will located in the extracted folder  \sqldeveloper-\sqldeveloper

4. If you have been a previous install of SQL Developer you will be asked if you want to migrate your current settings. Click on the Yes button and all your connections and settings will be migrated.

Blog odm4 1 1

5. To upgrade your Oracle Data Miner (ODMr) repository, you will need to open one of your ODMr connections. When you do this ODMr will check to see if the repository in your database needs to be updated. If it does you will get the following window.


6. Enter the password for SYS


6. When you get the following window you can click on the Start button to begin the Oracle Data Miner repository upgrade.



7. After a couple of minutes (and depending on the number of ODM Workflows and ODM schemas to have) you will get the following window.


Congratulations. You have now upgraded your Oracle Data Miner repository.

If you do encounter any errors during the upgrade of the repository then you should get onto the OTN Forum for Oracle Data Miner and report the errors. The Oracle Data Miner team monitor this forum and will get back to you quickly with a response.