Showing posts with label Spark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spark. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Installing Scala and Apache Spark on a Mac

The following outlines the steps I've followed to get get Scala and Apache Spark installed on my Mac. This allows me to play with Apache Spark on my laptop (single node) before deploying my code to a multi-node cluster.

1. Install Homebrew

Homebrew seems to be the standard for installing anything on a Mac. To install Homebrew run
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

When prompted enter your system/OS password to allow the install to proceed.

NewImage NewImage

2. Install xcode-select (if needed)

You may have xcode-select already installed. This tool allows you to install the languages using command line.

xcode-select --install

If it already installed then nothing will happen and you will get the following message.

xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates

3. Install Scala

[If you haven't installed Java then you need to also do this.]

Use Homebrew to install scala.

brew install scala

4. Install Apache Spark

Now to install Apache Spark.

brew install apache-spark

5. Start Spark

Now you can start the Apache Spark shell.


6. Hello-World and Reading a file

The traditional Hello-World example.

scala> val helloWorld = "Hello-World"
helloWorld: String = Hello-World


scala> println("Hello World")
Hello World

What is my current working directory.

scala> val whereami = System.getProperty("user.dir")
whereami: String = /Users/brendan.tierney

Read and process a file.

scala> val lines = sc.textFile("docker_ora_db.txt")
lines: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = docker_ora_db.txt MapPartitionsRDD[3] at textFile at :24

scala> lines.count()
res6: Long = 36

scala> lines.foreach(println)
## Specify the basic DB parameters
## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2016. All rights reserved.##
##                                                                ##
##                   Docker OL7 db12c dat file                    ##

##                                                                ##
## db sid (name)
## default : ORCL

## cannot be longer than 8 characters


There will be a lot more on how to use Spark and how to use Spark with Oracle (all their big data stuff) over the coming months.

[I've been busy for the past few months working on this stuff, EU GDPR issues relating to machine learning, and other things. I'll be sharing some what I've been working on and learning in blog posts over the coming weeks]

Monday, September 26, 2016

Machine Learning notebooks (and Oracle)

Over the past 12 months there has been an increase in the number of Machine Learning notebooks becoming available.
What is a Machine Learning notebook?
As the name implies it can be used to perform machine learning using one or more languages and allows you to organise your code, scripts and other details in one application.
The ML notebooks provide an interactive environment (sometimes browser based) that allows you to write, run, view results, share/collaborate code and results, visualise data, etc.
Some of these ML notebooks come with one language and others come with two or more languages, and have the ability to add other ML related languages. The most common languages are Spark, Phython and R.
Based on these languages ML notebooks are typically used in the big data world and on Hadoop.
Examples of Machine Learning notebooks include: (Starting with the more common ones)
  • Apache Zeppelin
  • Jupyter Notebook (formally known as IPython Notebook)
  • Azure ML R Notebook
  • Beaker Notebook
  • SageMath
At Oracle Open World (2016), Oracle announced that they are currently working creating their own ML notebook and it is based on Apache Zeppelin. They seemed to indicate that a beta version might be available in 2017. Here are some photos from that presentation, but with all things that Oracle talk about you have to remember and take into account their Safe Habor.
2016 09 22 12 43 41 2016 09 22 12 45 53 2016 09 21 12 16 09
I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this new product when it is available.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Spark versus Flink

Spark is an open source Apache project that provides a framework for multi stage in-memory analytics. Spark is based on the Hadoop platform and can interface with Cassandra OpenStack Swift, Amazon S3, Kudu and HDFS. Spark comes with a suite of analytic and machine learning algorithm allowing you to perform a wide variety of analytics on you distribute Hadoop platform. This allows you to generate data insights, data enrichment and data aggregations for storage on Hadoop and to be used on other more main stream analytics as part of your traditional infrastructure. Spark is primarily aimed at batch type analytics but it does come with a capabilities for streaming data. When data needs to be analysed it is loaded into memory and the results are then written back to Hadoop.


Flink is another open source Apache project that provides a platform for analyzing and processing data that is in a distributed stream and/or batch data processing. Similarly to Spark, Flink comes with a set of APIs that allows for each integration in with Java, Scala and Python. The machine learning algorithms have been specifically tuned to work with streaming data specifically but can also work in batch oriented data. As Flink is focused on being able to process streaming data, it run on Yarn, works with HDFS, can be easily integrated with Kafka and can connect to various other data storage systems.


Although both Spark and Flink can process streaming data, when you examine the underlying architecture of these tools you will find that Flink is more specifically focused for streaming data and can process this data in a more efficient manner.

There has been some suggestions in recent weeks and months that Spark is now long the tool of choice for analytics on Hadoop. Instead everyone should be using Flink or something else. Perhaps it is too early to say this. You need to consider the number of companies that have invested significant amount of time and resources building and releasing products on top of Spark. These two products provide similar-ish functionality but each product are designed to process this data in a different manner. So it really depends on what kind of data you need to process, if it is bulk or streaming will determine which of these products you should use. In some environments it may be suitable to use both.

Will these tool replace the more traditional advanced analytics tools in organisations? the simple answer is No they won't replace them. Instead they will complement each other and if you have a Hadoop environment you will will probably end up using Spark to process the data on Hadoop. All other advanced analytics that are part of your more traditional environments you will use the traditional advanced analytics tools from the more main stream vendors.